Pixar can really do no wrong in my eyes. I love all their films so much that I can forgive the slight misstep (for me) that was Cars (which while spectacularly animated didn't really do it story wise for me). Well, I am happy to say that Pixar's newest offering, Wall-E, is right on par with Pixar classics like Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, and Toy Story. Run, don't walk, to the theatre to see it.
What's wonderfully refreshing about Wall-E is that the first half of the movie plays like a silent movie, heavily dependent on visuals and music. The animation, as always, is first rate. Thomas Newman's score is wonderful. And you can't help but fall in love with this curious, adorable little robot who only wants someone to connect and spend life with.
What makes Pixar movies so great is that beneath all the animation and the laughs, there is always a message. And unlike the dreck that was The Happening, which warned us that if we don't stop ruining the environment, the plants will band together and kill us (I still can't get over that), Wall-E shows us what we are doing to the Earth in a softer and more relatable way that even the youngest child can understand. The humans in Wall-E live in a world of complacency, over taken by their dependence on technology, fast food, and big corporations telling them exactly what to do. It takes two robots, and one little seedling of hope, to shake the humans out of their slumber. And of course, being Pixar, there are clever nods to space epics like Star Wars and 2001. I laughed, I cried (even though I KNEW it was a Disney movie and a happy ending WAS eminent), it was just an overall wonderful afternoon at the movies. If you miss it, you will be missing one of the finest movies of the summer, if not the year. A+
On a side note, Joe and I hit the ten dollar sale at Virgin in between Mimosa Brunch (divinity) and the movie. I found that cheesalicious 80's Classic Girls Just Want to Have Fun in the bargain bin. Between that, the brunch, Wall-E, and the Olympic Swim Trials on TV tonight, I can't really ask for a better entertainment day. :-)
Reader Poll: Which acting nominee will be back again quickly?
by Nathaniel R
One of our recent traditions here at TFE is to guess which of the season's
most celebrated actors will be the quickets to be enmeshed in O...
7 hours ago
I have to say that I agree - Wall-E is my all time favorite movie. I haven't fallen in love with a robot since Short Circuit.. And this one is so much cuter. I can't think of it without getting a warm fuzzy feeling.
I've seen it twice now. It's just as good. And I STILL bawled. :-)
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