I love Oscar nomination day. I set my alarm early, make my coffee and turn on E! for the live announcement of the nods. I gasp, I cheer, I groan...and then I blog about it. So I bring you my thoughts on the 6 major categories, plus some other tidbits...
Best Picture
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The Reader
Slumdog Millionaire
I personally was shocked that The Dark Knight was left off this list. After all, it got nods from The Producer's Guild and the DGA, and just about every Oscar predictor was saying it was in. Plus, many viewed it as THE movie of 2008. But we forget that that Tricksy Harvey Weinstein (who basically stole Saving Private Ryan's Oscar) is behind The Reader. He is the KING of Oscar campaigns. Now, I have seen all the nominees already, and I am not debating the excellence of The Reader or any of the other films. Just saying I am surprised is all. And to Scott and Kaysie, if you read this, I TOLD you Ben Button would get nominated for Best Picture.
Best Director
Danny Boyle, Slumdog Millionaire
David Fincher, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Ron Howard, Frost/Nixon
Stephen Daldry, The Reader
Gus Van Sant, Milk
Again, I am a little shocked at Christopher Nolan not getting in here. It is rare that director and picture match up 5/5, so I was thinking that even if TDK didn't make picture, Nolan would still get in. Oh well. Side note: Stephen Dalrdry has made three films: Billy Elliott, The Hours, and The Reader. He has been Oscar nominated for all three. Well done.
Best Actor
Richard Jenkins, The Visitor
Frank Langella, Frost/Nixon
Sean Penn, Milk
Brad Pitt, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Mickey Rourke, The Wrestler
The only one of these performances I have not seen is Jenkins, who was in an Indie movie that came out much earlier in the year. However, I think his nomination is the reward in itself. This is a three way race between Langella, Penn, and Rourke. I really don't know who will take this. All three performances are breathtaking. Maybe we'll get some clarity after the SAG's on Sunday.
Best Actress
Anne Hathaway, Rachel Getting Married
Angelina Jolie, Changeling
Melissa Leo, Frozen River
Meryl Streep, Doubt
Kate Winslet, The Reader
Kate had been campaigning her performance in The Reader as supporting, in order to not compete with her role in Revolutionary Road, directed by her hubby Sam Mendes. The Academy chose not to listen, putting her performance for The Reader in lead. She was excellent in both, and I really think she will FINALLY win. If she does, that episode of Extras she did will become all the more brilliant. I really think Meryl is her strongest competition, and the performance has been too divisive. Anne Hathaway could also be trouble, but I think the lack of support for her film will keep her from taking this.
Best Supporting Actor
Josh Brolin, Milk
Heath Ledger, The Dark Knight
Robert Downey Jr., Tropic Thunder
Philip Seymour Hoffman, Doubt
Michael Shannon, Revolutionary Road
Let's face it. Heath has pretty much had this sewn up since July. That being said, I am thrilled to see Michael Shannon in this after getting no attention whatsoever for his wonderfully disturbing performance in Revolutionary Road. I think the only threat to Heath may be Brolin, who has really had a hell of a few years.
Best Supporting Actress
Amy Adams, Doubt
Penelope Cruz, Vicky Cristina Barcelona
Viola Davis, Doubt
Taraji P. Henson, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Marisa Tomei, The Wrestler
Penelope Cruz has to be the happiest woman in Hollywood right now, thanks to Kate not being in this group. It pretty much paves the way for her to win, as the Doubt ladies will most likely cancel each other out. Penelope is fantastic in VCB, so I wouldn't have a problem with that.
Other Tidbits:
-Miley Cyrus did not get a nom for her song from Bolt. Thank God. However, the Academy made a bone-headed move in not nominating Springsteen's "The Wrestler" in Best Original Song. It was a song that perfectly captured the spirit of that movie.
-Yay for Martin McDonagh getting nommed for his In Bruges screenplay. I need to bump this up in my Netflix queue.
-I still wish Wall-e had gotten nominated for Best Picture. But its win for animated feature is basically a shoe-in.
That's all from my end...thoughts?
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